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Whitley Park Primary and Nursery School

Admissions Statement

Whitley Park is a three form entry primary school with nursery classes. The standard admission number is 90.  School admissions in Reading are managed centrally by Brighter Futures for Children, on behalf of our Local Authority (LA) Reading Borough Council.

How parents can apply for their child to be admitted to our school

The LA publishes an admissions prospectus each year, which gives information about how parents can apply for a place in the school of their choice.  Applications should be made online via the LA website, however forms can be obtained (if needed) from the Education Department of the LA and should be completed by the date stated on the forms.

Parents have a right to express a preference for the school of their choice and they should do so when they apply. Expressing a preference does not guarantee a place at this school. The LA notifies parents about the school place on the National offer day.

Admissions can be contacted by telephoning 0118 937 3777 or visiting

In school the children are taught in year groups.

In year R, Reception, the children are 4 or 5 years old and follow Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum provision.

In year 1 and 2 the children are 5-7 years old and follow the National Curriculum at Key Stage 1.

In year 3,4,5 and 6 the children are 7-11 years old and follow the National Curriculum at Key Stage 2.

Routine Admissions

Following an application to the LA, children will be offered a school place in the Reception class at the beginning of September in the academic year in which they are five (1st September – 31st August).

Prior to applying for a Reception place at Whitley Park, our Early Years Lead warmly welcomes parents/carers to tour the school.  To arrange a tour please contact the school office.  

Parents have the option to defer entry to Reception for their children in any term, until the term after the child’s fifth birthday, when they become statutory school age.  This however, is not recommended as we find that children who defer miss vital learning and will have less time to settle and to feel secure at school. We do recognise that children are unique and sometimes a staggered start may well be appropriate in the Autumn term but we prefer not to defer beyond the start of the term in January

When a child reaches year 6 in primary school, parents need to complete a secondary school application online for a new school place, so their child can continue their education in year 7 at a secondary school setting.

In Year Admissions

An ‘In‐year’ application is required when parents are applying for a place in a year group that is already established, years 1 to 6, or part way through year R.

If parents wish to transfer their child to another school within the Borough, either as a preference or because they have moved to another part of the Borough. Or if parents have moved to the Borough from abroad or another part of the country and are seeking school places in the Borough, they will need to complete an ‘In-year’ application.

When a child is allocated a school place at Whitley Park, by the LA, the parents and child are invited into school for a short visit to meet the class teacher and complete the admissions paperwork. At the visit parents are asked to provide information which is protected under General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018. It is necessary for the school to hold this information to provide data required by the LA. It is important that we are kept up to date with changes to telephone numbers and addresses, to ensure we can contact parents if we need to. We have a text messaging arrangement, which enables us to keep in close contact with parents if we are provided with a mobile phone number.  Following the admission visit, the child will be given a start date. 

Admission appeals

If parents wish to appeal against a decision to refuse entry, they can do so by applying to the LA.  An independent appeals panel then meets to consider all appeals by parents who have been refused a place at our school and who wish to appeal again this decision.  An appeals panel’s decision is binding for all parties concerned.  If the appeals panel decides that we should admit a child to our school, then we will accept this and continue to do all we can to provide the best education for all the children at our school.

For more information about the appeal process and timetable, the selection criteria of applicants and the over subscription criteria, parents can contact the LA on the above telephone number or visit the website using the link above.

Children joining the Nursery School

The maximum number of children in the Nursery is 120.  Every child is entitled to 15 hours a week and this is offered as five days of three hours (morning 8:45-11:45am or afternoon 12:30-3:30pm) or two and a half days at the beginning or end of the week being (Monday all day, Tuesday all day and Wednesday morning or Wednesday afternoon, Thursday all day and Friday all day). We also currently offer a limited number of 30 hour places, for children who are in the nursery year prior to Reception, for those parents and carers who are eligible to the 30 hour funding (Monday all day, Tuesday all day, Wednesday morning, Thursday all day and Friday all day). The offer of 30 hour funded places will be reviewed annually and we will notify parents if this offer is to be withdrawn. 

The Nursery includes a team of a qualified Early Years teacher and Early Years Practitioners.

Children may join the Nursery the term after their third birthday, subject to the number of places available. The child’s date of birth determines their position on the waiting list and priority for places. Priority is given to four year old children to ensure that children receive Nursery education before entering the Reception class.  

A place in the Nursery does not automatically give priority to a place in our Primary School, and all nursery  leavers need to apply for a Primary School place through Brighter Futures for Children as a routine admission, please see above .

Waiting lists

Parents are welcome to register their child on our waiting list after their 2nd birthday. Parents can either telephone the school to register their child or ask for a registration form at the school office.

Home visits

Home visits are arranged by the Nursery team who will offer to visit parents and their child in their home,  before their child starts Nursery. Home visits are also offered to children starting Reception from other feeder settings. Home visits are highly recommended as they help children to build secure relationships with new adults in nursery or reception and they help to build positive relationships with parents and carers too

 At the beginning of the term when the children start Nursery, parents are invited to make short visits with their child to become familiar with the Nursery class. The start day of children new to Nursery and Reception is staggered during the first week to ensure that the children settle quickly and happily.

Transition from the Nursery to Reception

We ensure that children from the Nursery visit the Reception classes regularly in the summer term. We endeavour to make the transition to the Reception classes successful and smooth. Transition visits are also organised for children who may leave our nursery to attend a different primary school.

Children from other feeder settings who have secured a place at Whitley Park are invited to come in for transition visits and Whitley Park staff endeavour to visit children in their feeder settings too.

In Reception children come to school for a morning or afternoon session during the first week and start a whole day including school lunchtime during the second week of term.  This provides a very successful start for the children.   

School visits for parents

Parents are welcome to make an appointment to visit the school and have a learning walk with a member of staff. Please contact the school office on 0118 937 5566 to arrange a visit.